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monsoon winds中文是什么意思

用"monsoon winds"造句"monsoon winds"怎么读"monsoon winds" in a sentence


  • 季候风


  • In very exposed places , monsoon winds may exceed 70 kilometres per hour
  • In very exposed places , monsoon winds may exceed 70 kilometres per hour
  • Tropical cyclones and strong monsoon winds also play a role in mixing of the water masses
  • Huge waves are whipped up by high winds associated with tropical cyclones or strong monsoon winds while heavy swells can be produced by tropical cyclones a thousand kilometres away . people who are at the sea or near the shore might get hurt or even lose their lives if they are not careful
  • Huge waves are whipped up by high winds associated with tropical cyclones or strong monsoon winds while heavy swells can be produced by tropical cyclones a thousand kilometres away . people who are at the sea or near the shore might get hurt or even lose their lives if they are not careful
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